May is motherhood memoir month

I Hope You Dance

A week after the wedding it is the dancing that moves me.
Years ago, in our 40s, John and I took our four left feet to The Stampede, a dance hall and saloon in Temecula, CA where we learned to dance, thanks to Marlene Taylor. Even if we never became great dancers, it was good for us as a couple. It was good for me to learn to follow his lead, to trust him. And at weddings, especially those of our children, at least one of whom danced professionally, dancing seemed a prerequisite.

In preparation for this wedding we took Lindy Hop lessons. However, we forgot to do that dance. When it was our turn to dance as parents I could hardly remember how to move my feet, but then John reminded me of the steps, which are very simple in Night Club Two Step. He whispered quick, quick, slow, slow near my ear and I looked down, not a good move. I was a little numb at the time, but his words, simple as they were, made it to my feet, coaxing them into a rhythm.

A good lead can make their partner look better than she is, if she trusts him, if she follows. We danced to Remember When by Alan Jackson.

Remember when thirty seemed so old
Now lookin’ back, its just a steppin’ stone
To where we are, where we’ve been
Said we do it all again
Remember when?

We danced to this same song at Glen’s wedding 18 years ago, a touch point.

When I reach for reasons to remember why I love this man it might be the father-daughter dance that I’ll look back on. The father-daughter dance signifies connection between the past and the future and serves as a visual representation of the enduring bond between them. It symbolizes something of the strength, support, and love that has guided her throughout her life. In marrying Jordan I believe she’s choosing not to settle for anything less. Lily chose the song Vienna by Billy Joel for her father-daughter dance.

Slow down you’re doing fine

You can’t be everything you want to be before your time

Although it’s so romantic on the borderline tonight (tonight).

After being estranged from his father for years Billy Joel found his father in Vienna. “You don’t have to squeeze your whole life into your 20s and 30s trying to make it, trying to achieve that American dream, …the rat race … killing yourself. You have a whole life to live…Vienna (is) a metaphor… a reason for being old, a purpose.”

We’ll be in Vienna next June to celebrate John’s second retirement (from Alaska Airlines this Sept.) and Arielle’s high school graduation— going down the Danube on our third bike and boat trip, because…When will you realize,Vienna waits for you?
It won’t wait forever. In closing, I wish you Vienna and a dance. Also,

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger…
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
I hope you dance…

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