May is motherhood memoir month

Life as an Alien

A few years ago our youngest was drawing space shapes- a moon, some stars, a wobbly planet, when she looked up and said, You’re the best mom in the world.

Child #6 was a late-life reckoning, born 13 years ago, when I was 47, the last thing I thought I wanted at the time. But time has a way of changing everything.

She looked back at her drawing and reconsidered. No, wait, you’re the best mom in the universe. You’re better than an alien mom!

An alien mom is the coolest thing she could think of at age 4.

I smile, thinking who loves me like this? I try to remember if the first five were this adoring. I don’t think so. Or it could be that life has since erased the phase of adoration on both sides. Still, I linger, trying to picture what about myself makes me better than an alien mom

Some ideas for writing today:
What did you say to your mother as a child? Or what do kids- yours or others- say to you that sticks in your mind? Write it down so you can revisit it later, and share the memory. Have fun. Or find peace. Then post your best sentence.

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